Friday, April 4, 2014

Tips writing the Best Love Poems

Writing a love poem for a special lady is one of the most thoughtful things you can do to show your appreciation. Words have a particular power known to rally soldiers to victory, heal broken hearts, drive nations to madness and even put someone to sleep! Our speech is simply that powerful and learning to communicate effectively through the art of poetry is a skill worth practicing.

To shed some of the common doubts and misconceptions of writing poetry, let's get into some guidelines for writing the perfect one for that special lady in your life. It's a lot easier than you think and relies more on your willingness to communicate honestly than eloquence.

Here we go:

Seek Inspiration from the Greats

Search for and read poems written by the great former poets in history. You're sure to get some inspiration to begin expressing yourself and you'll be more comfortable doing so as you see what's acceptable.

It's powerful method for opening up your mind.

Not All Poems Rhyme

Rhyming is not an essential characteristic, and if you try to rhyme every word and sentence, you're basically limiting the depths of your creativity. Sure rhyming is a cool form of expression but most people won't have the skill to pull off a grand one.

Focus more on perfecting the flow of the message you're trying to deliver with your writing. Try to have your poem build up to a climax as the reader browses through it from start to finish. Expressing the true meaning of what is flowing from your heart.

Be Honest, Be Vulnerable

I know you may be tempted to exaggerate but use that with caution. Nothing beats pure honesty. If your love for her feels like you're "standing on a mountain top" then say that. If your words escape you while trying to discuss your love for her, then say that. Be honest, allow whatever you think and feel to flow through. Don't be afraid to clearly express the depth of your feelings, as "cheesy" it may seem. Inhibiting your feelings in an attempt to hide will only produce mediocre poetry.

Find a Cool, Quiet Place to Write

Remove any common distractions and find a place where you're free to think and be yourself. Surround yourself with things and people who inspire you to be yourself and do your best. Be comfortable, or if you're writing because of feeling love sick then go somewhere to write where no one can see you shed a few tears and you'll be free to act a fool. Trust me, I've done this many times in my past and it's perfectly fine. It's all a part of the expression and maturing emotionally.

Be Confident in Your Ability to Woo Her

In whatever you do, be confident. Trust your abilities and find your own unique way of expressing yourself. Not everyone is William Shakespeare, but we all have our own brand and image which cannot be expressed by anyone else. Your authenticity is an asset you alone possess. So leverage that.

Get to the Point

There is no standard on how long your poem should be. Haiku style poetry is mostly written in just 3 lines and yet tells beautifully grand stories that force you to think. Try to stay on point as you move through each stanza in your poem, keep you reader guessing and thirsty for more. Don't overdo the expression, don't try to explain too much. Keep the sweet spots succinct.

Use a few Metaphors

Did you skip English class in school or are not quite sure about how to use metaphors? Don't worry, it's a fairly simple and useful topic to brush up on. A metaphor is a term or phrase applied to something which it's not literally applicable but has some resemblance or similar qualities. For example, the phrase "broken heart" is not literally a heart split into pieces but the feeling of hurt is so intense it feels that way.

Use Your Words to Love Her Deeply

Remember your words possess power! Ensure that at the end of your poem or prose, your mission is clear and there is room for interpretation. This means that she will certainly know what you feel for her. Don't be afraid to use the word "love" and its other forms of expression.

Refer to Your Dictionary

You'll never stop adding new words to your vocabulary and forms of expression, regardless of how experienced and old you are. Don't try to rely on your vocab but refer to your dictionary and thesaurus to help with brainstorming the words you need. A thesaurus will be of greater help in finding a variation of words with the same meaning (synonyms) to help find the perfect words that flow.'s thesaurus is a great online tool.

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